The little witch Qiqi is now 13 years old. According to the ancient tradition of the witch family, she must leave her hometown to embark on a witch training journey. So she took her good friends with her. The black cat Jiji sets off on a broomstick with the blessing of her family. Later, she chose a beautiful city near the sea as her place to stay, and stayed with a kind-hearted bakery proprietress. Since she only knows the only magic - flying, she works as a "courier" to help people in the city deliver things. However, the job of express delivery is not easy. Qiqi's first job did not go well and she encountered a lot of trouble... Can Qiqi complete her spiritual journey and gain people's recognition here?
About the Author
Eiko Kadono
Born in Tokyo in 1935. Currently living in Kanagawa Prefecture. Graduated from the Department of English Literature, Faculty of Education, Waseda University. After working in a publishing house, he lives in Brazil for two years in 1960. After returning to China, he devoted himself to the creation of picture books and fairy tales. "The Story of Captain Pants" won the Wangbunshe Children's Literature Award, and "The Robbery Blah Blah" won the Sankei Children's Publishing Culture Award. This book won the IBBY Literary Award for Outstanding Works and the Noma Children's Literature Award. In 1984, he won the Lubangzhishi Literary Award.
宮崎 駿
1941年生於東京都。1963年進入東映動畫(現東映ANIMATION)。經歷「太陽王子 霍爾斯的大大冒險」(’68)場景設計、原畫,之後轉到APro擔任「熊貓家族」(’72)的原案、腳本、畫面設定、原畫。’73年與高□□等人轉往ZUIYO映像,並歷經日本ANIMATION、TELECOM的洗禮,於’85年參與吉卜力工作室的設立。期間參與「小天使」(’74)的場景設定、畫面構成,「未來少年柯南」(’78)擔任演出,在「魯邦三世 卡里奧斯特羅之城」(’74)初次監督電影作品。’84年將曾在『Animage』雜誌所連載的漫畫「風之谷」搬上大螢幕,並擔任該作品的原作、腳本、監督。之後於吉卜力工作室監督「天空之城」(’86)、「龍貓」(’88)、「魔女宅急便」(’89)、「紅豬」(’92)、「魔法公主」(’97)、「神隱少女」(’01)、「霍爾�移動城堡」(’04)。其中「神隱少女」獲得了第52屆柏林影展金熊獎、第75屆奧斯卡長篇動畫獎,並於第62屆威尼斯影展獲得榮譽金獅子獎。著作有『□□□□住□家』(朝日新聞社發行)、『□□□□旅』『何□映□□』(與黑澤明氏之對談集)『魔法公主』『出發點』『虫眼□□□眼』(與養老孟司氏之對談集)(以上為德間書店發行)『折返點』(岩波書店)。