★ 5 out of 5 stars on Amazon USA!
Mr. McDuffer loves to collect all kinds of bits and pieces that he thinks will be used one day, but his neighbors see it as rubbish! Both Amau and Mr. McDuff believe that everything in the house is useful and that it is better to repair and reuse than discard. But can they change the minds of their neighbors?
Let go of the idea of having more novel things together with your children, learn to cherish everything, and enjoy a simple life.
About the author
Emily Rand British illustrator and picture book writer. In 2012, she was selected for the Bologna Illustrators Exhibition, which is known as the "Oscar of the Illustration Industry", and won the highest honor in the illustration industry; ten illustrators selected for the British Council Drawings Words exhibition in 2019 one of the homes. Rand is good at capturing creative inspiration from the small details of life, using delicate brushstrokes and simple colors to blend into the classic style of the mid-twentieth century, forming a unique and innovative style of painting.
★ 美國亞馬遜5顆星滿分好評!
◆ 簡樸生活:與孩子一同放下想擁有更多新穎東西的想法,學習惜珍所有,享受簡樸生活。
◆ 環保概念:提倡綠色生活,從源頭減廢、回收到升級再造,重新認識和評估物品的價值和用處。原來環保可以好好玩!
◆ 連繫社區:打破冷漠的鄰里關係,點起社區暖暖人情味。
◆ 風格獨特:簡單線條勾出萬千玩意,配合雙專色印刷,更顯獨特的簡樸美感。
「改變生活習慣由自己開始,從而感染家人、朋友,蔓延社區。社區沒從前整潔,但人情味十足。故事信息鮮明而不說教,出色的手繪線條細緻刻畫生活質感,棕、藍雙色設計令畫面趣味大增。」──《科克斯書評》(Kirkus Reviews)
「這是一個溫馨的故事 ,觸動心靈的繪本,簡單的單色筆觸線條,清晰分明地勾勒出故事人物,這一人設在我們的生活周遭都有,這樣的人物是喜憨,也是智慧,我們是否也像鄰居一樣嫌惡的對待?故事帶出自省與節約,舊物利用的環保意識。」──「大象愛看書」網誌
「蘭德是一位多才多藝的畫家,微小的細節是她的強項。僅透過對比色來強調線條藝術的美及其豐富的表現力。任何擁有一組蠟筆的小朋友都可能會抗拒不了此書的誘惑!」──愛爾蘭童書協會(Children's Books Ireland)