The window in Nanna and Poppy's kitchen is no ordinary window–it is the place where love and magic happens. It's where the girl and her doting grandparents watch stars, play games, and, most importantly, say hello and goodbye. The first-person text is both simple and sophisticated, conjuring a perfectly child-centered world. Sentences such as "When I get tired I come in and take my nap and nothing happens until I get up" typify the girl's happy, imaginative world. While the language is bouncy and fun, it is the visual interpretation of this sweet story that sings. Using a bright rainbow palette of saturated color, Raschka's impressionistic, mixed-media illustrations portray a loving, mixed-race family. Simplified Chinese characters.
小女孩去探望爷爷奶奶。 迎接她的是那扇神奇的窗子。 那窗子里装满爱,装满魔法,紧紧地联系着女孩与爷爷奶奶的心。《神奇的窗子》是一本关于祖孙之间深厚情感的图画书。《神奇的窗子》中的女孩每次去探望爷爷奶奶时,会先在屋外窗旁做做鬼脸引起爷爷奶奶的注意。跟爷爷奶奶玩耍时,又会在爷爷奶奶家的厨房观看窗外发生的事情。最后女孩要回家向爷爷奶奶道别时,又会停在屋外窗前依依不舍地道别……正是这样一扇神奇的窗子,让女孩从与爷爷奶奶的生活中收获了幸福感,引发了小女孩对未来的憧憬。小女孩说:“等到有一天我有了自己的房子,我也要有这么一扇‘你好·再见窗’。”这是一扇充满爱的窗子,也是一扇美好心灵的窗子。每个人一生中都有这样的窗子,它让我们看到人生的美好和真情。