Beyond the Basics takes intermediate and advanced-level students of Chinese to new heights of interpersonal communication. The updated second edition textbook with free audio downloads takes a communicative approach to contemporary and thought-provoking conversation topics such as childhood, vocation, crime, poverty, romance, politics, art, and the meaning of life. An emphasis on the spoken language encourages serious dialogue among students, while task-based activities require genuine, active communication and create a meaning-centered atmosphere.
Each of 15 chapters comprises a model dialogue, discussion questions, an indexed list of new words, text pattern explanations, and supplementary vocabulary.
This second edition of Beyond the Basics was field tested at Middlebury College, and features:
Newly revised content and vocabulary to reflect the contemporary field of Chinese language learning.
A greater variety of exercises and activities.
A Suggested Teaching Methodology Index and Vocabulary Index.
Both simplified and traditional characters, with pinyin for new vocabulary.
A new design that makes it easier for students of both simplified and traditional characters to follow the text and exercises.
Free access to online audio downloads.
An excerpt from Lesson 13: Political Election
第十三课: 选举
老 陈:投票率太高不一定是好事,也可能是社会动乱的征兆。你想想看,如果一个国家的人民在重大的政治议题上有共识,无论哪个党执政,政策都不会有太大的改 变,人民投票的动机就不那么强了;反之,要是执政党跟在野党的目标完全不同,群众为了拥护和自己想法相同的人,就会积极参与选举,那么投票率自然会提高。 当投票率超过百分之八十,甚至到了百分之九十的时候,可能就离动乱不远了。‧‧‧‧‧‧
Table of Contents
第一课 童年往事(CHILDHOOD)培养学生的叙述能力
第二课 描述一个人(DESCRIBING A PERSON)培养学生的叙述能力
第三课 推销高手(MASTER SALESPERSON) 培养学生的描述能力及争辩能力
第四课 各行各业(EVERY FIELD OF WORK) 培养学生的描述能力
第五课 难题几则(PROBLEM SOLVING)培养学生的解释能力
第六课 午餐(DINING OUT) 培养学生的叙述能力
第七课 音乐(MUSIC)培养学生表达抽象概念的能力
第八课 犯罪(CRIME)培养学生表达抽象概念的能力
第九课 爱情(LOVE AND ROMANCE)培养学生表达抽象概念及争的辩能力
第十课 贫穷问题(POVERTY PROBLEM)培养学生表达抽象概念及争辩的能力
第十一 课 文化(CULTURE DISCUSSION)培养学生表达抽象概念及争辩的能力
第十二 课 快乐(HAPPINESS)培养学生表达抽象概念及争辩的能力
第十三 课 选举(POLITICAL ELECTION)培养学生参与讨论及争辩的能力
第十四 课 漫谈电影(MOVIES)培养学生表达抽象概念的能力
第十五 课 即席演讲(PRESENTING YOUR OWN SPEECH)培养学生临场应变及演讲的能力