What do we teach in our grades 6 to 12 Chinese language classrooms? How do we teach effectively? These are two important questions. What and How are integrated in the sense that what supports and supplements how, and how guides and implements what. This series intends to look at these two questions from a practical perspective classroom teacher's point of view to share some wisdom and instructional tips. For the convenience of presentation, the series divides real 6-12 Chinese classroom practice into a What section and a How section. We begin with the section on What and followed with the section on How The section aims at providing a service to 6-12 grades Chinese teachers(especially those new to the profession) with clear mapping, quick reference and supplementary materials for classroom teaching and learning. The book is available in both Simplified & Traditional Chinese Character.
在我們的6-12年級的漢語課堂上, 我們到底教什麼, 怎麼教才更有效果? 這是兩個大而複雜的問題. 在現實的課堂上, 教什麼和怎麼教是一個整體. 教什麼是怎麼教的框架和實體; 怎麼教引導並貫徹教什麼. 這套書試圖從一個實際的角度, 一個課堂教師的視角來探討這兩個問題. 為了論述方便, 將6-12年級漢語課堂教學的實際分成教什麼和怎麼教兩個部分. 先教什麼 再講怎麼教, 從學生的需求和特點出發, 想出課堂教學與活動的辦法, 拿出招數來.
在我們的6-12年級的漢語課堂上, 我們到底教什麼, 怎麼教才更有效果? 這是兩個大而複雜的問題. 在現實的課堂上, 教什麼和怎麼教是一個整體. 教什麼是怎麼教的框架和實體; 怎麼教引導並貫徹教什麼. 這套書試圖從一個實際的角度, 一個課堂教師的視角來探討這兩個問題. 為了論述方便, 將6-12年級漢語課堂教學的實際分成教什麼和怎麼教兩個部分. 先教什麼 再講怎麼教, 從學生的需求和特點出發, 想出課堂教學與活動的辦法, 拿出招數來.