The Jade Emperor decided to hold an animal crossing the river to select the "Zodiac". The good brothers, cat and mouse, also participated, but they couldn't cross the river, so the clever mouse and cow exchanged terms. . . The book uses "cat" as the first person and describes the selection process of the "12 Zodiac". The content is lively and interesting. From reading, we can fully appreciate the beauty of Chinese fables and understand the origin of the "12 Zodiac".
十二生肖的故事描述: 同心協力, 分工合作的意義, 就像兔子依賴老虎, 雞仰賴猴子過河, 再再都顯示出同伴的可貴. 聰明的老鼠為什麼非要爭第一, 而不顧朋友道義, 最後貓對老鼠的報復, 是否意味著中國傳統觀念裡的"因果報應"? Traditional Chinese Characters, Zhuyin, includes an readalong VCD.