Chinese Treasure Chest is an unprecedented collection of ready to-use games, songs, craft projects, delightfully illustrated student worksheets and teacher-directed activities to help pre-school and elementary students learn Chinese as a foreign language. It offers a wide variety of activities of different difficulty levels to facilitate differentiated instruction in mixed-ability classrooms and across grade levels. This second edition of Chinese Treasure Chest is a valuable resource that every Chinese teacher can use to enhance your lessons. Our new and past users will discover a treasure trove of fun, meaningful, content-related lessons through which students can learn Chinese and develop an appreciation for the Chinese culture. This two-volume teaching resource contains over 700 ready-to-use games, songs, craft projects, attractively illustrated worksheets, and teacherdirected activities designed around themes in the elementary curriculum. It is organized into 12 monthly sections to fit the school year. Each section begins with teacher notes that state the learning objectives and difficulty level of each activity, and offer suggestions on how to implement an activity to get the best results. Students learn the Chinese language and culture through games, songs, crossword puzzles, cut-outs, picture cards, TPR activities, role-play, chants and conversations. Also included are seasonal activities to help students celebrate special events and holidays of each month (e.g., Chinese New Year, Valentine’s Day, and Dragon Boat Festival).
Table of Contents
September 九月
➊ September Calendar 九月月历
➋ Greetings 问好
➌ Self-Introduction 自我介绍
➍ School 学校
➎ Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节
➏ Introduction to China 中国常识
➐ Cultural Link: Confucius 孔子
➑ Try It Out! 每月一练
➊ October Calendar 十月月历
➋ Numbers 数字
➌ Days of the Week & Months of the Year 星期和月份
➍ Halloween 万圣节
➎ Cultural Link: Great Wall of China 万里长城
➏ Try It Out! 每月一练
November 十一月
➊ November Calendar 十一月月历
➋ My Family 我的家
➌ Thanksgiving 感恩节
➍ Feelings and Emotions 感觉和情绪
➎ Cultural Link: Giant Panda 大熊猫
➏ Try It Out! 每月一练
December 十二月
➊ December Calendar 十二月月历
➋ Birthday 生日
➌ Parts of the Body 身体部位
➍ Weather 天气
➎ Winter 冬天
➏ Holidays 节日
➐ Cultural Link: Monkey King 孙悟空
➑ Try It Out! 每月一练
Appendices 附录
➊ Answer Key for Word Search and Crossword Puzzles 字谜答案
➋ Chinese Equivalents of English Names: Boys 男孩中英文名对照表
➌ Chinese Equivalents of English Names: Girls 女孩中英文名对照表
➍ Useful Templates 常用样本
➎ Project Samples 作品展示