Everyday Chinese for Travelers is a handy pocket-sized travelers' phrase book designed for foreign visitors, especially those from western countries. Travelers to Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China will find this book useful for easy communication with local people without the frustration of learning the language. All dialogues are simple, practical, and categorized according to various situations, making them very convenient to find. The book contains a variety of other features, including word banks, cultural notes, a menu of Chinese cuisine, and Reference for tour information. It should meet most of the day-to-day needs of the average tourist. Both traditional and simplified characters editions are available. For Spanish speakers, the Spanish version is also provided. (1 Book + 1 MP3 CD)
是一本針對外國人所設計的旅遊會話隨身書。只要一書在手,便能暢遊兩岸三地,隨時隨地用中文和當地人溝通。所有會話皆依情境分類,例句簡單實用,開口便能說中文。另有Word Bank詞庫、中國菜單、文化注解等,能幫助使用者入境隨俗,增加旅遊的樂趣與深度。詳實的附錄,提供各種旅遊資訊的查詢。書末附有迷你英漢詞典,切實滿足使用者的不時之需。本書有繁體字及簡體字兩種版本可供選擇。