Far East Chinese Culture for Children -Volume 1 遠東兒童中華文化

Far East Chinese Culture for Children -Volume 1 遠東兒童中華文化

ISBN: 9789576126772
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Teaching young children about cultures other than their own will foster enthusiasm of learning and open their eyes to culture differences. The book is written in simple sentences both in English and Chinese in order to accommodate the reader's diverse abilities. With three parts: Part One- authentic photos that are self-explanatory. Part Two- coloring sheets that provide our young readers with great entertainment. Part Three- a set of activities to assess our reader's knowledge of Chinese culture. It is recommended that the students of elementary schools take advantage of this resource guide and develop the Chinese cultural awareness. With 1 CD. In Traditional Chinese character,Pinyin and English.

本書共兩冊, 針對各族裔的學童提供廣泛有趣的中華文化常識, 使其了解中國悠久的文明和傳說, 提昇兒童學習語言的興趣, 增廣見聞. 書中文字淺顯易懂, 並且中英對照, 滿足不同語言背景之讀者的閱讀需求. 全書分三部分; 第一部分圖文對照, 介紹長城, 故宮, 鞭炮, 文房四寶, 長袍馬掛, 茶, 京劇, 兵馬俑, 武術, 象棋, 二胡, 麻將, 算盤, 筷子, 燈籠, 風箏, 漢字, 皮影戲, 布袋戲, 印章, 七巧板, 四大發明, 熊貓, 十二生肖, 孫悟空, 花木蘭, 七夕, 端午, 嫦娥奔月等, 大人和小孩共同閱讀, 一起神遊中華文明. 第二部分是讓幼童在中國圖畫的著色過程中增加學習興趣. 第三部分提供一些趣味練習, 作為學童學習本書後的自我測試. 建議小學生利用本書作為了解中華文化的入門指引. 附一片光碟, 有拼音, 中英對照.