Intended as supplementary material for Chinese for Youth, this book is designed as a useful companion to the existing instructional materials. In order to save teachers' time, it provides a rich collection of copy-ready worksheets for classroom activities and assessments in a practical and user-friendly format. The book includes ten lessons based upon the Textbook. Each lesson is divided into three sub-themes, with three activity sheets and three assessment sheets per sub-theme and an assessment task at the end of each lesson. This well-organized set of tools helps teachers to ensure that functional objectives and communicative learning outcomes are effectively linked with classroom activities. Both traditional and simplified characters are included in one book to meet each learner's needs.
本書為《少年中文》修訂版系列的輔助教材,是非常實用的補充教材。它提供了豐富且可複製的課室活動單以及評量卷,可以節省教師大量的備課時間。本書以課本 裡的十課為單元,每一課有三個次主題,每一個次主題都配有四張課室活動單及三份評量卷,教師只要複製便能在課堂上使用,非常方便。每一課最後還附有任務型 的實作評量,可作為教師評估學生學習程度的指標。本書內容豐富,能讓教學活動變得更加輕鬆且有效。