Kuaile Hanyu Teacher's Books Volume 2-快乐汉语教师教学用书第二册

Kuaile Hanyu Teacher's Books Volume 2-快乐汉语教师教学用书第二册

ISBN: 9787107171321
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Happy Chinese or Kuai Le Hua Yu is a complete learning program specifically created for teaching beginning Chinese to students 6 years old and above. These teacher’s manuals help teachers provide supportive instruction and includes teaching steps, recommended exercises and activities, linguistics and background information. In Simplified Chinese characters.

《快乐汉语》教师用书共3册,与各册学生用书配合使用。内容主要包括:(1)提示每课的教学步骤、训练方法及练习答案;(2)充实、拓展教学材料; (3)提示语言知识点;(4)提示文化背景;(5)提供单元测试题;(6)提供要求书写的全部汉字卡,汉字卡上有读音、书写运笔方向和笔顺的提示,供学生 练习汉字书写使用。