Reading Program Series 3 contains 6 titles, 1Audio CD and 6 pages of flashcards.
Every story has a teacher's guide at the back of the book to help the teacher maximize the learning potential of that story.
The hanyu pinyin is put at the back of the book.
Every pack of 6 titles contains 6 sheets of flashcard words,
学前教育丛书 6岁(K201)
共6册 + 1个录音光碟 + 6 小字卡
K201 可爱的家 Sweet home
K202 为人着想 Be considerate
K203 小闹钟的故事 The story of alarm clock
K204 铅笔逃难 Pencil flees
K205 小乐乐的一天 One day of Little Joy
K206 小猴子找食物 Monkey looks for food