Ni Hao, Volume 4 is the fourth level of the Ni Hao series and is designed for students who have completed Ni Hao, Volumes 1-3. This level is ideally suited for students in high school. Topics include relationships, dating, fashion, part-time jobs, school events, and social issues.
As in other levels, Chinese characters are used extensively throughout the text and are accompanied by pinyin, which acts as a guide to pronunciation. Pinyin is gradually omitted as the student becomes familiar with the characters and vocabulary. There are four lessons in Volume 4, each with four sub-topics, followed by example sentences, vocabulary, and character lists.
Ni Hao, Volume 4 introduces more than 440 words and phrases and 140 written characters. Appendices with Chinese-English and English-Chinese “Words and Expressions” contain pinyin, English, and traditional and simplified character listings for words learned in the text. All characters learned from Ni Hao 1 to Ni Hao 4 are listed in the last appendix, arranged by the number of strokes. Students can look in the appendix to recap the pinyin and check the meaning of a particular character. This textbook is in traditional characters.