Lots of fun facts about plants. One page per topic/story. Traditional Chinese with Pinyin.
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~ Cat and looks so much like a tiger Why?
~ Why do dogs love summer tongue?
~ Animal will laugh and cry?
~ Why small rabbit eyes red?
~ Why cactus thorns?
The world's largest flower - What kind of flower?
~ Why are some plants eat insects?
~ Ladybugs are beneficial insects do?
~ 貓和老虎為什麼長得那麼像?
~ 為什麼夏天狗愛吐舌頭?
~ 動物也會笑和哭嗎?
~ 為什麼小白兔的眼睛是紅色的?
~ 仙人掌為什麼要長刺?
~ 世界上最大的花是什麼花?
~ 為什麼有些植物能吃蟲?
~ 瓢蟲都是益蟲嗎?