Seven differently-hued blind mice approach the "strange Something" in their midst on successive days and report their findings to the group. A large black square provides the background for each painting, a dramatic contrast to the brilliant images "felt" by the sightless rodents. Young's textured, cut-paper illustrations allow readers to visualize just how a floppy ear might be mistaken for a fan ("I felt it move!"); the elephant's curving trunk springs to life as both a jewel-green snake and a glowing yellow spear.
七只瞎老鼠改写自印度民间故事——盲人摸象。内容描述七只瞎老鼠在池塘边遇到一个怪东西,谁也不知道那是什么,于是每一天,不同的老鼠轮流去“观察”,并回来报告同伴他们的发现,但是每一次的答案都不叫人满意。最后一天,轮到到白老鼠去了,他从怪东西的上下左右全跑了一遍,最后才下了一个结论,这个怪东西是……这是一个耳熟能详的故事,却又是一本清新脱俗的绘本,用拼贴技巧赋予传统故事“盲人摸象”新的视觉感受、又巧妙的帮助小朋友学会该如何认识并观察新事物。owing in part may make a fine tale, but wisdom comes from seeing the whole"--may seem superfluous to those who prefer the imaginative "vision" of the mice.