Thank You!(Level 5- 10 Books)謝謝!《全套10冊》

Thank You!(Level 5- 10 Books)謝謝!《全套10冊》

ISBN: 9789862433621
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Aimed at young children learning to read Chinese, these readers are written with the belief that it is key to incorporate children’s daily life experiences into the learning process. Fun, delightful stories, cheerful pictures and easy-to-read text are used to help them understand the development of the stories, thus enhancing reasoning and observation skills and stimulating their interests in reading Chinese. Traditional Chinese characters, Zhuyin


Book Titles:

Who Take Shower First《誰先來洗澡?》浴缸裡放滿了水,猜猜看,今天叮叮噹噹的媽媽會決定誰先來洗澡呢?

Dinner Time《吃飯了》準備吃飯了!今天餐桌上會有什麼食物呢?叮叮噹噹他們猜得到嗎?快來幫他們一起猜猜看。

Who Can Help Us《誰來幫助我們?》叮叮噹噹哭了!到底是發生了什麼事呢?他們需要別人的幫忙,而你能幫助他們嗎?

Thank You《謝謝!》當我們買完東西後,你會對店員說什麼呢?郵差叔叔辛苦幫我們送信來,你會對他說什麼?快想想看,你是否和叮叮噹噹一 樣有禮貌喔!


Play Games《玩遊戲》叮叮噹噹要和爸爸玩遊戲了。今天他們決定要找出生活中圓形的東西,你找到了嗎?

Grow Up to Fast《長得太快了》小金魚長大要換魚缸,而叮叮噹噹的衣服也變太小了,他們該怎麼辦呢?

Sun Bath《晒太陽》今天天氣很好,太陽出來了。現在就跟著叮叮噹噹,幫媽媽把家裡的東西,拿出去晒晒太陽吧!

