When her dog disappears into the gutter of the book, Bella calls for help. But when the helpers disappear too, Bella realizes it will take more than a tug on the leash to put things right. Cleverly using the physicality of the book, This book just ate my dog! is inventive, ingenious, and just pure kid-friendly fun! Traditional Chinese characters, Zhuyin
1. 互動式繪本,邀請讀者一同推動故事的進行:以積極參與故事發展的方式,取代傳統被動閱讀帶領讓讀者進入這個創意無限的世界,享受想像力帶來的驚喜旅程!
2. 書不只是書,「書」就是書中的主角:一本愛惡作劇的書會讓世界有什麼不一樣?讓這本頑皮的書帶給你全新的閱讀體驗!
3. 學習認識各種車子:書中出現警車、救護車等各種生活中常見的車子,透過理查伯恩可愛活潑的插畫,帶領孩子一同認識不同車子的外型和特色。